Every week +$ 10 for a review on BestChange! (not active)

Dear users of our service! From 25.08.20, the long-term promotion "$10 for a review on BestChange!" will be launched. Every week a winner will be selected among the participants, who will receive 10 USD, and once a month (every 25th day) the most creative review will be selected for the opinion of the administration, the author of which will receive a prize of 10 USD! Terms of the promotion: 1. Subscribe to our telegram channel-link https://t.me/receivemoney_news (results are published there). 2. Make an exchange for an amount of$10 or more, 3. Follow the link https://www.bestchange.com/receive-money-exchanger.html, sеlect " Add review", -in the Name field, enter your name, -in the email field, enter your active email address, -in the "Review" field - your positive impression of our work, - in the "exchange Number" field (Important! if you do not specify it as necessary, You will not be able to participate) - specify the English letter A and the exchange ID on our site - for example, A480100. - "review type" - "Positive". Example: 4. Confirm your review with the link that BestChange will send to confirm the publication of the review. If you did everything correctly - You are a participant of the promotion, and you claim$ 10! you are Allowed to write no more than 2 reviews a day! The draw will be held EVERY MONDAY using the service https://www.random.org, 1 winner will be selected, and the result screen will be published in the telegram. < em>the Algorithm is as follows: We write out the numbers of the specified applications for the past week in the Exel table, thereby assigning a line number (participant number) we enter the ID range among participants in the randomizer and on the first attempt we make a screen and publish the result in the telegram channel https://t.me/receivemoney_news. If you win, the user must contact us by email express@receive-money.biz from the mail from which I published the review and specify the subject of the email exchange number, text-please transfer the winnings to my Payeer USD wallet Pxxxxxx. The draw is not held if: There are less than 10 positive reviews for the selected week. Forbidden: Write reviews for the same exchange. Write the same type of reviews, copy other people's, publish slander or insults, etc. Residents of countries that are not prohibited by the "service Rules"can participate in the promotion.