

This operation is performed automatically (24/7).

Important! This direction is only available to registered users who have completed the verification procedure identity (KYC).

The application is valid for a short time! You have 15 minutes to complete the payment, otherwise it will be deleted.

To exchange

Для проведения обмена необходимо пройти верификацию личности и верификацию карты.

Ссылка на верификацию личности: Link for user verification

Пройти верификацию карты:

Статус верификации личности: Unverified user

Including PS fees
min.: 10 000 KZT
with fees: 212.109

Max. 300 000 KZT

min.: 47.1456 ADA
with fees: -2
Personal data

Enter a real email to which you have constant access!
If you specify incorrect mail, you will not be able to edit the data in case of an error in the application.

Type your answer
Transfer Bank card KZT to Cardano (ADA) ADA

For exchange you need to follow a few steps:

  • Fill in all the fields of the form submitted. Click «Exchange».
  • Read the terms of the agreement on exchange services, when accepting it, please tick the appropriate field and press the button «Create bid».
  • Pay for the bid. To do this, transfer the necessary amount, following the instructions on our website.
  • After this is done, the systеm will redirect you to the «Bid status» page, where the status of your transfer will be shown.